our President is going to use his first ever veto (he's only been in office 6 long, long years) on a bill that would have allowed embryos that were to be destroyed to instead help people live and walk. another master stroke from W.
even though 70% of the country approves of the bill and troglodytes such as Bill Frist, Orrin Hatch and Trent Lott support the bill (for the love of everything pure all the Senators from Mississippi and Utah, two states not exactly known for their well developed views on science - voted for the bill) W. is going to make sure that tons and tons of Americans have no hope at all and generally make life miserable for the entire nation - well at least he's an expert on foreign policy
and on it goes: dig the quote from white house eunuch (I mean press secretary)Tony Snow talking about W's view on the bill: "The simple answer is he thinks murder's wrong." Well I'm so glad the president is against the murder of something the size of this: "." But is perfectly content to allow many normal sized humans who don't live in petri-dishes in freezers to die painfully sad deaths.
now I'm going to go violently bash my head against a wall and thanks to the impending veto of this stem-cell bill there won't be any cure for that either