Friday, October 12, 2007

Fall TV Review Thus Far:

after two weeks it comes down to this: The Wire Season 4 can't come out on DVD fast enough

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

obscure camera

today I was wondering what happened to summer 2007 and then I remembered I had captured it in photo

Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm looking forward to this album "drop"

my special lady has this song up as well - but I'm contractually obligated to post videos of all songs Pitchfork describe as: "Stonesy Rockers"

Monday, July 23, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I blog my opinions

HBO has been desperate for a "buzz" show what with "The Sopranos", "Six Foot Under" and "Sex and the City" done with and they might have found it in a unlikely place:

Flight of the Conchords rules and here are some people talking about it:

1.) me
2.) girlfriend
3.) dad
4.) coworker
5.) random semi-annoying dude at school
6.) Entertainment Weekly

what more do you need (seriously though if you don't like this show I think you would have been someone I hated in high school)

Thursday, July 12, 2007


I read this review of "Transformers" over the weekend: "The film in the depth of its story ultimately states that the automobile will cause the downfall of the quality of life in America." Wait that review was for the lost Orson Wells classic "The Magnificent Ambersons" but "Transformers" basically says the same shit.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

a bad sign

how can you tell "Transformers the Movie" is going to reek - well there are many reasons: Michael Bay, CGI, the fact that a summer blockbuster hasn't been good since "Die Hard II", the Bush administration can't be helping but the main reason is the fact that Shia Labeouf is I guess supposed to be "edgy!!" and how do you make him "edgy" - why put him in this T-shirt!! whoa!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007


you only do two days in prison the day you go in and the day you get out - just ask Avon

Thursday, February 08, 2007

from here on out

I'm in an exciting venture: I'm starting a sports blog and I'm pretty sure I'm getting paid to do it - therefore this site will be a lot like Perez Hilton except instead of focusing on Hollywood celebrities I'm going to focus on leading conservative legal thinkers of the 21st century

oh no he didn't!!

Sexy Scalia out and about!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

our only hope

Chief Justice John Roberts is clearly the only public figure in America who can save us (this based on his interview in the current Atlantic Monthly) and yes I realize his views on abortion might be slightly different than mine!!!!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I'm going to see Judge Richard Posner speak - at one point he was the "myspace" person I most wanted to meet - thus I become the first person ever in myspace history to meet the person I most wanted to meet

Monday, January 01, 2007

I bequeath this to you 2007:

the Office drinking game:

every time Jim makes the "Jim face" at the camera you must take a shot; this game will prove wildly successful as Jim makes the exasperated "Jim face" at least 45 times an episode

Note the following examples will count for Jim Face the game