Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Not going to Prom

these are the emo countries that nobody hangs out with because the most popular country doesn't like them; oh sometimes Canada talks to them during Language Arts (that's just Canada for you)but still these countries spent a lot of Friday nights at home listening to Bright Eyes


Anonymous said...

Hey it's me again, anonymous in Hartsville, SC. While the information on Bhutan was fascinating, I wanted more to ask that Hartsville, SC be considered for city of the week honors. Things have been down around here since the old McDonalds closed down and we could use a boost. A new shaved ice stand just opened up and, if we could get city of the week, I think it would really perk up around here.

Anonymous said...

One more thing. Anonymous just got an e-mail from Elon University asking for nominations for alumni awards. Anonymous would like to nominate Ben for young alumnis award seeing as how you're on the internet and everything. Please e-mail a brief list of accomplishments since graduating from Elon so I can complete the nomination process.