Thursday, July 08, 2004

A Worldwide Epidemic

After watching the 439 hour "Real World" (too tired to link it) Reunion on Tuesday I came down with a case of the "RSRS" a very serious disease that the "mainstream" media pays no attention to - not even Shepard Smith on Fox News. Shepard heed my call!

RSRS is Reality Show Regret Syndrome and it occurs in that sad moment after a reality season ends and you realize how much of your life was just wasted for no dramatic payoff whatsoever. Oh during the season you mind and heart are aflutter with Frankie going crazy and Brad eating turpentine and Cameron rehabilitating an injured squirrel but when it's all over and you realized how much time you wasted watching a show that had minimal plot, excitement, and decency you can only cry and suffer a case of RSRS which usually involves the dry heaves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day